Volunteers Welcome!

KWARC and GARC volunteers would be much appreciated! You should contact Patrick VE3PMM (KWARC) by e-mail

Thank you to the following 2019 volunteers

Our sincere thanks to the radio amateurs who contributed to the success of this endeavor. Whether your assistance was large or small - there is no way we could do it without you!
Kathryn Waterman
Mark Waterman
Aiden Waterman
VA3DMW David Bennet
VA3GPP Jason Pongracz
VA3JFZ Jonathon Fritz
VA3NNW Nick Waterman
VA3PTB Peter Bon
VA3QB Bill Reid
VA3RCX Robert Landra
VA3TGY Tracey Goulding
VE3EOS Gord Hayward
VE3SFW Bob Housser
VE3JVC Joe Campagnolo
VE3JVG Jason Goulding
VE3ML Wes Snarr
VE3PVB Paul Birke
VE3RBA Dave Sullivan
VE3ST Ben Sasiela
VE3WBE Ron Webb
VE3ZUP Richard Goetze

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